Calling all Lautner associates

An open letter to persons who worked for John Lautner:

We know who some of you are (see the Associates page). We don’t know all of you. And we’d like to. We’d also like to know what projects you worked on while in the office. This information is especially useful for obtaining accuracy in our records and for future applications for cultural heritage monument status.

Thus we ask each of you to write to us at associates (at) johnlautner (dot) org. Tell us, please:

* Your name
* Your present contact information: mailing address, telephone, company, email address
* When you worked for or with John Lautner (range of years or months)
* What projects you worked on during that time. What was your role? What do you remember about them?

If you have particular memories about that time we’d love to hear them.

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