Spanish architect blogs about exhibit

The Hammer exhibit on John Lautner is up and running in Glasgow. Anna Maria Vicens, a Spanish architect and jewelry designer in Barcelona wrote about the exhibit in this blog post.

In case the post moves here it is in its entirety (without pictures):

A propósito de John Lautner ·1911-1994· . John Lautner, un mago del hormigón, un escultor de vacíos. En sus manos, las sólidas y pesadas estructuras de hormigón se convirtieron en elementos livianos, flexibles y sensuales, elementos dotados de gran potencia visual, sólidos marcos que diálogan harmónicamente con su entorno. Sin saberlo, casi todos hemos disfrutado de su arquitectura a través del cine como con la Elrod residence en “Diamonds are forever”, la Reiner/Burchill Residence en “Less Than Zero” o la Sheats/Coldstein Residence en “The Big Lebowski” entre otras muchas. Si queréis más información sobre su obra visitad la john Lautner foundation donde podréis consultar planos, fotos… y todo lo relacionado el arquitecto. Por cierto, hay una única exposición en Europa sobre la obra de este gran arquitecto americano Between Earth and Heaven: The Architecture of John Lautner del día 20 de marzo al 26 de julio de 2009 en The Lighthouse · en Glasgow. Exposición organizada por the Hammer museum en colaboración con la john Lautner foundation. También se proyectará un documental sobre la vida y obra de John Lautner, Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner

About John Lautner ·1911-1994· . John Lautner, a concrete magician, an sculptor of the empty spaces. In his hands, strong and heavy structures became light, flexible and sensual, elements with great visual powerful, solid frameworks that talk in harmony to their environment. Without knowing it, we have enjoyed his architecture trhough films, like “Diamonds are forever”, “Less Than Zero” or “The Big Lebowski” among many others. If you want more information on his work I suggest you to visit the john Lautner foundation where you can find maps, photographs….. and everything about him. From 20 Mar 09 – 26 Jul 09 is Between Earth and Heaven: The Architecture of John Lautner the only European showing about the architect at The Lighthouse · in Glasgow. An exhibition organized by the Hammer museum in collaboration with the john Lautner foundation. It will be a documentary on the life and work of John Lautner, “Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner

posted by Ana Maria Vicens

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