Get It All On Your Phone

If you have a “smart phone” you can get a list of all JL 100 (John Lautner’s 100th Birthday Celebration) events on it easily. When you click on one you will get an explanation of the event, including how to buy tickets where applicable. Here’s how:

Create a Google calendar of your own. Go to to create one. Takes a few minutes.

Get the Google calendar on your phone. If you have an Android phone you already have it. If you have an iPhone just download it (free!).

Go back to your calendar on the web. On the left sidebar you’ll see “My calendars” and “Other calendars”. Under “Other calendars” you’ll see “Add”. Click on this and choose “Add a friend’s calendar”.

A box will open. In this box type and hit the return key.

That’s it. All events on the calendar will be imported into your calendar, in a different color. These events will be displayed on your phone as well. So when you don’t remember exactly when that event takes place or where, you can go to your phone and look it up.

If you have difficulty with these instructions please let us know! We’ll fix it. Write to

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